The OakPassion® Project was born from the union of the professional expert producers in the wood industry, for oenology and alcoholic beverages, operating in Europe, USA and South America.
The OakPassion® Project was born from the union of the professional expert producers in the wood industry, for oenology and alcoholic beverages, operating in Europe, USA and South America.
Our “Passion for Excellence” already begins, paying great attention to the selection of compact and structured woods, fundamental characteristics for the creation of “high quality” products.
After being carefully selected, the wood is left to age for up to 36 months in the open air, thus increasing its aromatic potential.
We take particular care of the maturing process, the time and the natural refinement methods of the wood substantially influence the quantity of availableantioxidant components and increase their ease of extraction.
The OakPassion® quality guarantee derives from the respect of rigid parameters, that allow us to provide the most demanding
customers with extensive documentation regarding the origin…
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